Cinofilia venatoria

Campionato Italiano Cani da seguita in singolo open Lady

Organizzatore ASD FIDASC Formia Club 2010

Locandina cinghiale lady 2024 page 0001

Locandina cinghiale lady 2024 page 0002

Fara in Sabina
Calendar._DN = ["Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday","Sunday"]; Calendar._SDN = ["Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat","Sun"]; Calendar._FD = 0; Calendar._MN = ["January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"]; Calendar._SMN = ["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"]; Calendar._TT = {"INFO":"About the Calendar","ABOUT":"DHTML Date\/Time Selector\n(c) dynarch.com 20022005 \/ Author: Mihai Bazon\nFor latest version visit: http:\/\/www.dynarch.com\/projects\/calendar\/\nDistributed under GNU LGPL. See http:\/\/gnu.org\/licenses\/lgpl.html for details.\n\nDate selection:\n- Use the \u00ab and \u00bb buttons to select year\n- Use the < and > buttons to select month\n- Hold mouse button on any of the buttons above for faster selection.","ABOUT_TIME":"\n\nTime selection:\n Click on any of the time parts to increase it\n or Shiftclick to decrease it\n or click and drag for faster selection.","PREV_YEAR":"Select to move to the previous year. Select and hold for a list of years.","PREV_MONTH":"Select to move to the previous month. Select and hold for a list of the months.","GO_TODAY":"Go to today","NEXT_MONTH":"Select to move to the next month. Select and hold for a list of the months.","SEL_DATE":"Select a date.","DRAG_TO_MOVE":"Drag to move.","PART_TODAY":" Today ","DAY_FIRST":"Display %s first","WEEKEND":"0,6","CLOSE":"Close","TODAY":"Today","TIME_PART":"(Shift-)Select or Drag to change the value.","DEF_DATE_FORMAT":"%Y%m%d","TT_DATE_FORMAT":"%a, %b %e","WK":"wk","TIME":"Time:"}; jQuery(function($){ initTooltips(); $("body").on("subform-row-add", initTooltips); function initTooltips (event, container) { container = container || document;$(container).find(".hasTooltip").tooltip({"html": true,"container": "body"});} }); jQuery(function ($) { initChosen(); $("body").on("subform-row-add", initChosen); function initChosen(event, container) { container = container || document; $(container).find(".advancedSelect").chosen({"disable_search_threshold":10,"search_contains":true,"allow_single_deselect":true,"placeholder_text_multiple":"Type or select some options","placeholder_text_single":"Select an option","no_results_text":"No results match"}); } }); jQuery(document).ready(function() { var value, searchword = jQuery('#mod-finder-searchword261'); // Get the current value. value = searchword.val(); // If the current value equals the default value, clear it. searchword.on('focus', function () { var el = jQuery(this); if (el.val() === 'Search ...') { el.val(''); } }); // If the current value is empty, set the previous value. searchword.on('blur', function () { var el = jQuery(this); if (!el.val()) { el.val(value); } }); jQuery('#mod-finder-searchform261').on('submit', function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); var advanced = jQuery('#mod-finder-advanced261'); // Disable select boxes with no value selected. if (advanced.length) { advanced.find('select').each(function (index, el) { var el = jQuery(el); if (!el.val()) { el.attr('disabled', 'disabled'); } }); } }); var suggest = jQuery('#mod-finder-searchword261').autocomplete({ serviceUrl: '/en/component/finder/?task=suggestions.suggest&format=json&tmpl=component', paramName: 'q', minChars: 1, maxHeight: 400, width: 300, zIndex: 9999, deferRequestBy: 500 });});